Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Upcoming Events for November 2- 6

Week of November 2nd-6th

Here’s a peek at next week:
Spelling words: side, white, time, find, tie, night, sight, right, fly, why
Challenge Words: delightful, capitalize
Phonics- long i (i, igh, y)

Reading: Daily 5 implementation with emphasis on asking and answering questions about details in texts.( Main idea, supporting details, sequencing)We will be reading about owls and applying reading comprehension strategies.

L.Arts: Fix it upSentence correction (capitalization, punctuation, plural/possessive noun, personal pronouns) What are pronouns and how can I use them?

Writing Workshop: Working on teaching booklets about things we are 'experts' at. We teach with our pictures by adding details, labels and words. We will review editing our writing and how to make a table of contents. We will learn how to create chapter books. 

Math:How to balance equations, subtracting zero, subtracting same number, counting back and subtracting with doubles. Students will learn the rules of subtraction and subtraction fact strategies. 

Social Studies: Who is Benjamin Franklin? What is he known for?

1.Study spelling words! (Try out Spelling City) 
2.Subtraction Math Sheet
3.Social Studies, Becoming an Inventor

At Rocky Branch our focus is on finding solutions to our problems. We have been learning some techniques ( Ignore it, talk it over respectfully with the person, try to agree on a win-win solution or get help from the teacher) We are working to be problem solvers by using the wheel of choice that we created as a class and to share our thoughts with each other during class meetings. We have created bonds by sharing strategies that have worked in the past. :)
Thank  you for supporting the school and our STEAM efforts by helping  your student get sponsors for the DA$H.  The money is due by Tuesday, November 3rd. ThankYOU!!!

                          iMom Breakfast

What:              iMom Breakfast
Who:               Moms and their kindergarten and first grade students
When:             Monday, November 2 from 7:20 a.m. to 8 a.m.
Where:            Rocky Branch Elementary School cafeteria
Topic:              Guiding Your Kids to Reach Goals
You may order breakfast from Chick-fil-A for you and/or your child. It will be ready and waiting when you arrive the morning of the event. Each Chick-fil-A breakfast will include your choice of a chicken biscuit or chicken minis, orange juice, and coffee for adults for $3.50. Children may also purchase breakfast from the Rocky Branch cafeteria. School breakfasts will be charged to the student’s school meal account.


We are now beginning our can-a-thon at RBES! We will help feed the families in need in Oconee. Last year as a school we brought in 3,100 cans and our goal this year is to bring in 3,500. Thank you for helping out as you can! We look forward to reaching our school goal! :)

Please have your child participate in the Six Flags Read to Succeed Program by reading and recording 6 hours of reading.  Once they have completed and documented their reading, please have them return the completed form to me.  The deadline to submit your reading log is Friday, February 19.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  You can print out the forms below by clicking on the link.

Parent Letter (Print Out)

Changes in Transportation
Please use attached forms for changes in transportation. 

Volunteer Training
Georgia law regarding volunteers in non-profit organizations establishes that all volunteers are now mandated reporters.  In order for all volunteers to understand the law and know the reporting protocols,  volunteer training regarding the new mandated reporter law will be provided. Below is the last date for the RBES volunteer training. If you plan to volunteer or visit in a classroom  (this includes attending class parties, field day, working with students, etc.) you should attend one of the dates below.
Wednesday, November 4th at 9:00 am 
We will need ALL volunteers to attend one of the training options in order for everyone to be able to continue to serve as a volunteer. Please know we appreciate you, your time, and commitment to RBES.

Snack Reminders
-Please send a healthy snack {low in sugar} to school with your child every day.
-Due to having 5 minutes for snack time, please send in only one snack.
-Please only send a small water bottle for your child to have with his/her snack.

Upcoming Events

Day Light Savings Time Ends-- November 1st

iMom Breakfast-- November 2nd

DA$H Funds Due-- November 3rd

RBES Can-a-thon November 2nd- November 13th

Volunteer Training
Wednesday, November 4th at 9:00 am 

RBES Thanksgiving Feast--November 12th

Have a great weekend!!

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