Sunday, May 20, 2018

Upcoming Events for May 21st--May 25th

Learning Objectives

  • Reading: Teachers will be conducting the following reading and language arts assessments: Running Records, Primary Spelling Inventory, 4th Nine Weeks Sight Words, and PALS testing.
  • Writing: Students work on a Memory Book of First Grade. Each day we will work on a different letter page. We will continue to work on writing sentences with capital letters, spaces between words, and ending marks. We are also working on writing "juicy" sentences with adjectives, metaphors, and quotation marks. 
  • Math: We are reviewing how to find a missing addend/partner. We will also be working on story problems containing double digit numbers. We will solve multi-step problems. We will practice measuring objects using centimeters and inches.!
  • Character:  Zones of Regulation (The Zones of Regulation is a program designed to help students gain skills in consciously regulating their emotions and actions.) We will hold class meetings and work on finding positive and logical solutions to common classroom problems.


 The username is green123. After typing that in your child should be able to click on their name and begin the math facts practice. 

Classroom News

  • Thursday, May 24th is Field Day at AES. Your first grader will participate in outdoor events in the morning. Please send your child to school wearing: shorts, t-shirt, tennis shoes, and sunscreen. They may also want to wear a hat and sunglasses. Please pack a towel and a change of clothes. One of the activities is a water games station!

    We will be having an Electronic Party in the afternoon. Your child may bring 1 electronic device from home

AES News

  • Last Day of School, May 25th (Early Release Day)
    • Car rider bell: 1:05 PM
    • Buses load: 1:15 PM
  • Report Cards Go Home, May 25th

Thank you for a great year! 


Friday, May 11, 2018

Math Games

Click on the links to play math games!

Money Games

Math Quiz: 

Upcoming Events for May 14th-18th

Learning Objectives

  • Reading: Teachers will be conducting the following reading and language arts assessments: Running Records, Primary Spelling Inventory, 4th Nine Weeks Sight Words, and PALS testing.
  • Writing: Students work on a Dive into Summer writing activity in which they write about what they want to do over the summer. We will continue to work on writing sentences with capital letters, spaces between words, and ending marks. We are also working on writing "juicy" sentences with adjectives, metaphors, and quotation marks. 
  • Math: We are reviewing how to find a missing addend/partner. We will also be working on story problems containing double digit numbers. We will solve multi-step problems. We will practice measuring objects using centimeters and inches.
  • Science: We will be making memory books to reflect on our great year in first grade!
  • Character:  Zones of Regulation (The Zones of Regulation is a program designed to help students gain skills in consciously regulating their emotions and actions.) We will hold class meetings and work on finding positive and logical solutions to common classroom problems.

1.) Read leveled books
2.) Practice 4th Nine Weeks Sight Words

Classroom News

  • irst Graders will be taking a field trip the Science Museum of Western Virginia on Tuesday, May 15th.
  • Make sure your child is at school on time.
  • Field Day is Thursday, May 24th
Image result for field day clip art

    • First graders will participate in field day in the morning!
    • VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Please sign up to volunteer at field day if you are able!
    • Students should wear: shorts, t-shirts, sunscreen, hat
    • Students should bring: Extra pair of clothes to change into after field day (there are stations where students will get wet), water bottle
AES News

  • Pre-K Graduation, May 18th 1 PM
  • 5th Grade Promotion, May 22nd, 6:30 PM
  • Field Day, May 24th
  • Last Day of School, May 25th (Early Release Day)

Friday, May 4, 2018

Math Games

Click on the links to play math games!

Money Games

Math Quiz: 

Upcoming Events for May 7th-12th

Learning Objectives

  • Reading: Teachers will be conducting the following reading and language arts assessments: Running Records, Primary Spelling Inventory, 4th Nine Weeks Sight Words, and PALS testing.
  • Writing: Students write stories about their fathers. We will continue to work on writing sentences with capital letters, spaces between words, and ending marks. We are also working on writing "juicy" sentences with adjectives, metaphors, and quotation marks. 
  • Math: We are reviewing how to find a missing addend/partner. We will also be working on story problems containing double digit numbers. We will solve multi-step problems
  • Science: We will continue to learn about the needs of plants. 
  • Character:  Zones of Regulation (The Zones of Regulation is a program designed to help students gain skills in consciously regulating their emotions and actions.) We will hold class meetings and work on finding positive and logical solutions to common classroom problems.

1.) Math Workbook Pages (any pages between 247-252)

2.) Read leveled books

3.) Practice 4th Nine Weeks Sight Words

4.) Study for you spelling test

Classroom News

  • First Graders will be taking a field trip the Science Museum of Western Virginia on Tuesday, May 15th.
  • Please return permission slips and $8.50 by Friday, May 11th.

AES News

  • Early Release, May 9th
  • Pre-K Graduation, May 18th 1 PM
  • 5th Grade Promotion, May 22nd, 6:30 PM
  • Field Day, May 24th
  • Last Day of School, May 25th (Early Release Day)

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Math Games

Click on the links to play math games!

Money Games

Math Quiz: 

Upcoming Events for April 30th- May 5th

Learning Objectives

  • Reading: We will practice using background knowledge and clues from the text to make inferences about  characters, settings, and events in stories. 
  • Writing: Students write stories about their fathers in preparation for Donuts with Dad. We will continue to work on writing sentences with capital letters, spaces between words, and ending marks. We are also working on writing "juicy" sentences with adjectives, metaphors, and quotation marks. 
  • Math: We will continue to work on adding double digit numbers. We will use this to add double digit numbers in story problems. We will also review missing addends and how to solve them.
  • Science: We will learn about the life cycle of plants. 
  • Character:  Zones of Regulation (The Zones of Regulation is a program designed to help students gain skills in consciously regulating their emotions and actions.) We will hold class meetings and work on finding positive and logical solutions to common classroom problems.

1.) Math Workbook Pages (any pages left in Unit 8)

2.) Read leveled books

3.) Practice 4th Nine Weeks Sight Words

Classroom News

  • First Graders will be taking a field trip the Science Museum of Western Virginia on Tuesday, May 15.
  • Please return permission slips and $8.50 by Friday, May 4th.

AES News

  • Last Day of School, May 25th (Early Release Day)