Learning Objectives
- Reading: We will make predictions before and during the reading. After reading we will discuss if our predictions were correct.
- Writing: Students will research facts about an animal of their choice. They will write an informational book about their animal. We will continue to work on writing sentences with capital letters, spaces between words, and ending marks. We are also working on writing "juicy" sentences with adjectives, metaphors, and quotation marks.
- Math: We will be reviewing and assessing Unit 7 (fractions, telling time, adding doubles, and graphing). We will then focus on calendar skills to ensure students can read a calendar.
- Science: We will learn about classifying animals.
- Character: Zones of Regulation (The Zones of Regulation is a program designed to help students gain skills in consciously regulating their emotions and actions.) We will hold class meetings and work on finding positive and logical solutions to common classroom problems.
1.) Practice sight words (4th Nine weeks list)
2.) Leveled Reading books (read and return each day!)
3.) Math Workbook pages (any remaining in Unit 7)
Classroom News
- Spring Pictures, Thursday, April 12th
- Thank you for the STEM supplies!!!
AES News
- Interims Go Home, April 25th
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