Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Upcoming Events for April 18th - 21st

Learning Objectives

  • Reading: We will practice identifying the main idea and supporting details in texts we read. 
  • Writing: Students write fictional stories about an animal that has the following elements: beginning/middle/end, problem/solution, character dialogue, etc. We will continue to work on writing sentences with capital letters, spaces between words, and ending marks. We are also working on writing "juicy" sentences with adjectives, metaphors, and quotation marks. 
  • Math: We will be reviewing and assessing Unit 7 (fractions, telling time, adding doubles, and graphing). We will then focus on calendar skills to ensure students can read a calendar.
  • Science: We will learn about plant needs, plant parts, and the life cycle of plants. We will learn about Earth Day and recycling. 
  • Character:  Zones of Regulation (The Zones of Regulation is a program designed to help students gain skills in consciously regulating their emotions and actions.) We will hold class meetings and work on finding positive and logical solutions to common classroom problems.

Enjoy your Spring Break!

Learning Websites:
This is a great kid friendly research website! 

 The username is green123. After typing that in your child should be able to click on their name and begin the math facts practice. 

Classroom News

  • First Grade Earth Day Project Due: April 21st

  • The first graders will be learning more about recycling, reusing, reducing, and repairing as part of our celebration of Earth Day in the coming weeks!  We are asking you and your child to complete a recycling/reusing project at home!  Each student should find items around their home that would usually be recycled or thrown away (toilet paper holders, fabric scraps, Styrofoam trays, plastic bags, etc.) and use them to create a useful item or a piece of artwork!  We want the students to use their imaginations and be creative!
  • The students will share their projects with their own class and then we will have a “Recycling Museum Tour” where the students will visit all of the other first grade classrooms in order to see the wonderful projects that ALL of the students have completed!

AES News

  • Interims Go Home, April 20th
  • SPRING BREAK!!!! No School Friday, April 14th and Monday April 17th
  • Early Release, April 13th, April 26th, car riders are dismissed at 1:05 PM, buses load at 1:15 PM

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