Thursday, October 6, 2016

Upcoming Events for October 10th-14th

Here’s a Sneak Peek at Next Week:

Learning Objectives

  • Reading: What are the habits of a  good reader? We will learn about the Tryin' Lion strategy (Be like the Tryin' Lion. Don't give up when you come to an unknown word. Use one of your reading strategies!). We will study words that have the digraph -ck. We will practice reading, sorting, writing, and spelling during Word Study time. 
  • Writing: We will write stories about an activity we like to do with our family. We will work on adding more details to our illustrations and sentences. We are working on writing sentences with capital letters, spaces between words, and ending marks. I encourage students to be fearless spellers. This means they sound out unknown words or look to the Word Wall for assistance. 
  • Math: We finish Unit 2 and assess the students on their knowledge of solving basic addition and subtraction problems and writing corresponding addition and subtraction equations. The assessment will also test the students knowledge of counting pennies and nickles and repeating patterns. 
  • Social Studies: We will finish our Fire Safety Unit. We will learn about Christopher Columbus. 
  • STEM: Students will design and build a Columbus Day Sailboat! We will test our sail boats using a fan for wind power. We will time the ships as they sail to see which boat makes the journey in the fastest time! 
  • Character:  How can we take ownership of our problems? (I teach the students these steps: 1.) Own it! 2.) Fix it 3.) Learn from it 4.) Move on

1.) Math Homework: Workbook pages 71-72 

2.) Columbus' Trip

3.)Have your child read the leveled books that are sent home (please return these the NEXT day because we need them for our reading group) 

-OPTIONAL: math workbook pages 70-71, 73-74

Learning Websites:

Reflex Math has been added to the Math websites! The username isgreen123. After typing that in your child should be able to click on their name and begin the math facts practice. 

Mega Math has also been added to the Math websites. Mega Math offers games that are organized by different math skills.

Tumble Books has been added to the Reading websites. The students LOVE this website. Simply click on the e-book link. 

Classroom News

Next week is Anti-Bullying Week!

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  • Please make sure you sign up for a Parent Teacher Conference. (See the orange sheet sent home last week.) My goal is to have a conference for EVERY student!

AES News

  • Make Up Pictures/ Class Picture Day, Friday, October 14th

  • End of Grading Period, October 11th
  • Report Cards Go Home, October 18th
  • Early Release, October 20th (1:05 car riders, 1:15 bus riders)
  • Early Release, October 26th (1:05 car riders, 1:15 bus riders)
  • Conferences will be scheduled for the week of October 17-21st
  • Fall Festival, October 22nd, 10-1 PM

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