Thursday, September 8, 2016

Upcoming Events for September 12th-16th

Here’s a Sneak Peek at Next Week:

Learning Objectives

  • Reading: What are the habits of a  good reader? We will learn about the Eagle Eye strategy (look at the pictures to solve unknown words) and Lips the Fish strategy (get your mouth ready to make the first letter sound). We will build endurance with Read to Self, Read to Someone, Word Work, and Listen to Reading. We will study the short "u" vowel. We will practice reading, sorting, writing, and spelling during Word Study time. 
  • Writing: We will write stories about what we do with our friends. We will learn how to add more details to our illustrations and sentences. We are working on writing sentences with capital letters, spaces between words, and ending marks. 
  • Math: We will be starting Unit 2. The focus will be on addition, subtraction, and equations. We will be learning through games, story problems, and traditional equations. 
  • Social Studies: We will begin our study on maps. Students will be expected to know cardinal directions (North, South, East, West), how to construct a simple map, and how to read a map using a map key/legend.
  • Character:  How can we find solutions and not blame? How can I be an AES Star and "Act Kindly"?

1.) Math homework: Create double facts cards and practice
2.)Math Workbook pages: 39/40
3.) What is Fall? Science page
4.) Optional math homework--(p. 37/38, 41/42)
**All homework is due by Friday, September 16th

Learning Websites:
iStation has been added to the Reading websites! Your child can access this at home! Let me know if your child does not remember their username and password.

Reflex Math has been added to the Math websites! The username is green123. After typing that in your child should be able to click on their name and begin the math facts practice. 

Classroom News

 **If your child cannot tie their shoes, please practice this skill at home. In first grade we need to do this skill independently!

**The students are doing a great job reading and writing independently!

**The students have started their class jobs. Two students are the "filers." They file graded work into their classmates mailboxes. We are still learning how to do this! Please send work back that does not belong to your child. :) Thank you!

AES News

  • AES PTSO Book Fair Week
    • September 19th-23rd
      • Open 10:30-4:00 M-F
      • Open 10:30-6:00 (Late night on Thursday,  September 22nd)
      • *If you would like to volunteer at the Book Fair, please return the yellow form sent home in your child's Auburn Daily News Folder.

  • Early Release, September 27th (1:05 Car riders, 1:15 Bus riders)
  • End of Grading Period, October 11th

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