Thursday, April 21, 2016

Upcoming Events for April 25th- 29th

April 25th- April 29th

Here’s a peek at next week:

Spelling words: None

 Challenge WordsNone
Phonics- review

Reading: We will be reviewing skills already covered this year through Daily 5 groups and other activities. 

L.Arts:  We will review skills already covered this year. 

Writing Workshop: Students will review  and continue to write about realistic fiction. What does it mean to be realistic fiction? Does it have to be something that could happen to someone? Who can the characters be? What should I include in my writing?

Math: Students will begin a week long project related to goods and services. They will have the opportunity to create a project to sell, name their business, create ads, and even a business card. On the final day we will have a classroom store to "sell" their product.

Social Studies: Students will begin to learn about who are consumers and what does it mean to have scarcity. Review producers and consumers and how both sets of people are important to each other. How do consumers choices effect producers? 


1. MAP Reading Review
2. Reading Passage (Seahorses)
3. Scholastic News: Wearing a Bike Helmet 

LiMom Breakfast
Please join us for this school year’s first iMom breakfast, a special time for moms to connect with their children and spend one-on-one time discussing issues around character development and growth. iMom breakfasts are also a great way to get connected with the Rocky Branch community.
What:              iMom Breakfast
Who:               Moms and their kindergarten and first grade students
When:             Monday, April 25th, 7:20 a.m. to 8 a.m.
Where:            Rocky Branch Elementary School cafeteria
Topic:              Things to do this summer

You may order breakfast from Chick-fil-A for you and/or your child. It will be ready and waiting when you arrive the morning of the event. Each Chick-fil-A breakfast will include your choice of a chicken biscuit or chicken minis, orange juice, and coffee for adults for $3.50. Children may also purchase breakfast from the Rocky Branch cafeteria. School breakfasts will be charged to the student’s school meal account.

7:15-7:20 a.m.      Parents check in at the front office
7:20-7:25 a.m.      Parents and children pick up their breakfast orders in the cafeteria
7:25-7:50 a.m.      iMom program and discussion
7:50-7:55 a.m.      Students dismissed to classes
7:50-8:00 a.m.      Summary with parents and door prizes; parents sign out at the front office

We are gearing up for our final Reading MAP  assessment. Our class will take the assessment on April 29th at 9:30. It is important that ALL students attend this day. We suggest getting a good nights sleep and hearty breakfast so that all students can be focused and ready to do their best. Also please try to remind your child to take the test seriously and to try their best on the test! 

Parent Survey

In an effort to improve system practices, Oconee County Schools is conducting a parent survey. We value your opinion and ask that you take the time to complete this survey. The web survey will be available until April 25, 2016.

In order to complete the survey, please go to:

*****Please be assured that your responses to this survey will be anonymous. Your honest opinion is appreciated.*********

We will have the opportunity to go on another field trip to Bear Hollow on Wednesday, April 27th.  We are asking that lunches be sent in a disposable bag with items that can be tossed or recycled after lunch. Plastic water bottles would also be very helpful.Thank you for your help! :) 

We have snack every day. Please encourage your student to pack a snack each day. Lunch time can be a long time to wait to eat. :) 

Upcoming Events

~4/22 Relay for Life at OCHS (6pm-12am)

~4/25 iMom breakfast 

~4/27  Field Trip -- Bear Hollow

~4/29  Reading MAP at 9:30

~5/2-5/11  Project Based Learning

~ 5/6  ALL Library books are due

~5/12 Field Day

~5/18 Last Day of School

Have a great weekend!!

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