Thursday, February 18, 2016

February 22nd- February 26th

Here’s a peek at next week:

Spelling words: germ, giant, gentle, gem, change, garden, gums, game, goal, glad
 Challenge Words: engineer, challenge, rigorous

Phonics- soft g, hard g

Reading: Daily 5 with emphasis on beginning. middle and ending, finding evidence in text to support answer and retelling the story. What was the author's purpose? 

L.Arts:  Review Prefixes(im, pre, mis, re, un, dis). Focus on root words

Writing Workshop: Continue Working on fictional narrative writing. What is it? What characters can I think of? What kind of problems can they have? Should I include the setting?How can I get my character out of trouble? How can I describe the problem?

Math: Review addition and subtraction through number talks along with greater than, less than and equal to. Focus for the week will be on collecting data, interpreting it and graphing it. Students will the opportunity to read and record on a graph as well as collect their own data to graph. 

Social Studies: Still learning map skills this week. We will focus on the states in America and learn more in depth about our own state. 

1. Reading Passage (Getting Mad) with fluency component
2. Math Graphing (Flower Bar Graph)
3. Where I live (Social studies location practice)
4. Review your spelling words nightly
5.READ! :)

Check Spelling City out to practice your spelling words for the week. :)

Be a HEART Hero Today
Please consider being a heart hero by getting sponsorships. Jump rope event will happen the week of February 29th to March 4th.  All envelopes are due back to school by March 4th. Thank you for participating in this very worthy cause! :)

It is time for the RBES Spring Book Fair!  The dates for this exciting event are March 10, and 14-18 (No school/Make up day on March 11). The Book Fair will be open March 10, 14, 15, 16 and 17 from 8:00 AM until 2:30 PM, Tuesday night from 6-8 during the STEAM Night/Ice Cream Social, and on Friday, March 18 from 8:00 AM until 10:00 AM.   Grandparents and special friends are invited to lunch and the Book Fair any day, March 10 and Monday-Thursday, March 14th-17th. The Book Fair provides students, parents, grandparents, and special friends an excellent opportunity to purchase great books that your children will love to read.  This is also a wonderful way to help support the RBES Media Center.  All proceeds go directly to the RBES Media Center.

Please look for volunteer information coming soon. 

I Scream, You Scream,
We All Scream for Ice Cream!

Please send in ice cream toppings to your child’s homeroom teacher before March 13th.  Sour gummi worms, caramel, sprinkles, strawberries, bananas and cherries are among the favorites!  All proceeds from the Ice Cream Social will benefit the Media Center. Thank you so much!

                                 First Grade Play E-I-E-I-OOPS!

The first grade students will present three performances of the musical drama "E-I-E-I-Oops" on Thursday, March 31st. Our performances will be at 9:00, 10:15 a.m., and 7:00 p.m. 

Calling All 1st Grade Parents!

Ms. Granger needs volunteers to help with the 1st Grade Musical, "E-I-E-I-Oops!"  Help is needed with the scenery and costumes for this performance.  Workdays to help with both will take place on the following days:

Monday, Feb. 22 We will not meet today!
MondayFeb. 29
ThursdayMarch 3
MondayMarch 7
ThursdayMarch 10
ThursdayMarch 17
MondayMarch 21

If you are able to help, please come to the Art & Music rooms from 2:45-4:00 pm.  Children are welcome, and they can even help, so you can write a note for any school-aged children to stay after school on any day you are able to work.  You may want to bring your child a snack for after school.

We are also asking for donations of gallon Ziploc bags.  We will need one for every 1st grade student to keep each child's costume in one safe place.  If you are able to send in any with your child, it would be greatly appreciated!

If you are interested in helping or have any questions, you can contact Lindsey Pollack at

We are seeking parent feedback on this state
The results from the survey will be used by the Georgia Department of Education to calculate a statewide accountability rating called the School Climate Star Rating within the College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI). Please visit the following link to participate in this important survey that will be published statewide as a component of the accountability system.

The Georgia Parent Survey will remain open through Friday, February 26, 2016. We appreciate your participation.

Upcoming Events
2/29 iMom Breakfast 7:30am

3/1 K-2 Picture Day

3/2-3/3-- Kindergarten Registration at RBES

3/4-- Mother/ Son Event

3/10, 3/14-3/17-- Book Fair at RBES

3/31-- E-I-E-I- Oops Play at 9:00, 10:15 and 7:00 pm

Have a great weekend!!

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