Friday, May 1, 2015

Week of May 4 - 8

Our shirts look great. I hand-rinsed each shirt individually with hot water 
and then did a large load of laundry using the hottest water possible. 
I hope they are good now. You might want to test it before adding 
it to your laundry load at home. The kids are excited! The shirts 
will be coming home with them today. The first grade team has
 decided to wear them on the following dates:

1) May 12- Our Field Trip to Bear Hollow Zoo
2) May 14- K-2 Field Day
3) May 20- The Last Day of School!

This will be a fun way to show our class spirit 
and keep up with everyone! Thanks for the help!
Here's a sneak peek at next week: 

This week we will be playing games and working 
on fun activities to review skills in all subject areas. 
Our daily schedule will be different due to Project Based Learning. 
Project Based Learning will be from May 4th -13th after lunch. 
Please see the first grade lunch schedule changes below.
*Our Friday special's rotation for May 8th will be Music.

5/4-5/13 First Grade Lunch Schedule
11:25- Ashley
11:30- Brandenburg
11:33- Brantley
11:36- 12:06 Green
11:39- Holte

1. READ!!!

2. No Spelling Words
The first graders will be taking a field trip to Memorial Park on
 Tuesday, 5/12 from 8:30-12. We will enjoy a tour around
 Bear Hollow Zoo to see Georgia’s native wildlife and a picnic lunch at the park. 

May 1st- Relay for Life at 6PM
May 12th- Field Trip to Memorial Park/Bear Hollow Zoo
May 4th-13th- Project Based Learning
May 14th- Field Day
May 20th- End of the 4th Quarter/
Last Day of School/Grade Level End of the Year Party

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